E.JANG is one of the most popular dishes among diners of Seoul. Most restaurants serve up this popular dish at least twice a week for one reason or another.

Yongsoe jang, otherwise known as e.jang jang, is a seafood soup. It contains many kinds of seafood including shrimps, fish, squid, and octopus. The meat alternatives can include things like ham, mutton, chicken, and beef. It is not healthy to consume too much seafood such as shellfish or fish in one meal.

Many people are now choosing to eat less seafood while eating more vegetables. This is because the seafood is often high in mercury. But when preparing e.jang, some people wonder what they should actually serve up. Should it be more like traditional yongsoe jang or be lighter in flavor?

Yongsoe and can be very spicy, so if you want a spicy e.jang, then you will need to take it easy on the spices. Other than that, e.jang can still be served up with a side of rice and other vegetables. It is up to you to decide how you want to add your own unique spin to it.

Depending on where you live, the original style of this dish may be quite different from the North American version. So before you decide to stick to your original version, try adding the right ingredients and accessories that are appropriate for your region's original version.

You will also have to consider the different sauces available to you. Some sauces are spicy, while others are not. Some have less vinegar than others. If you do not like the spicy e.jang then you might want to skip the spicy versions of sauces.

Of course, if you do not like the sweetness that comes along with the e.jang, then you might want to stick to plain versions of the sauces. If you do not like sweet versions of sauces, then there are many other options for sauces, like the soy sauce.

Most restaurants in Seoul serve both original versions of e.jang and the other versions. So be sure to ask before you settle on which one you want to have.